学術雑誌『African Study Monographs Supplementary Issue』にて特集号「Progress in African Food Culture Research」を出版

本科研費研究の成果の一部を、学術雑誌『African Study Monographs Supplementary Issue』の第61号「African Study Monographs Supplementary Issue」として出版しました。


Fujimoto, Takeshi; Fujioka, Yuichiro; Sato, Yasuaki (2023) “Introduction to the Supplementary Issue “Progress in African Food Culture Research””

Ishikawa, Hiroki (2023) “Increase in Teff Consumption in Northern Ethiopia between the 16th and 18th Centuries and the Birth of Injera”

Fujimoto, Takeshi (2023) “Cultivating in the Indigenous Way, Eating in the National Way: Changing Food and Identity among the Malo, Southwestern Ethiopia”

Harako, Sota (2023) “Subsistence Rice Cultivation and the Formation of a Diverse Rice-Eating Culture in the Rural Villages of Shifting Cultivators in Southern Tanzania”

Ankei, Takako (2023) “Diffusion of Cassava Detoxification in Africa: A Reconsideration of its Biocultural History”

Shioya, Akiyo (2023) “Cassava Commercialization and Reactions in Producing Areas: A Case Study in Rural Eastern Cameroon”

Asada, Shizuka (2023) “The Production and Adaptability of Carbonized Briquettes from Banana Peels in the Banana-Staple Society in Kampala, Uganda”

Fujioka, Yuichiro (2023) “Classification of Daily Food Sets in an Agro-Pastoral Society in North-Central Namibia: A Comparison of Cluster Analysis and Two-Way Indicator Species Analysis”